The speed of the Boss is the speed of the Crew.  Your business is only going to go as fast as you want to, and you need to build a “Winning Team” for your business to grow, here is the list:

  1. Acquisition Specialist – That’s the person that’s going to help you get properties under contract, so you can flip them and do deals.
  2. Real Estate Agents – They bring you deals that meet your criteria and, they might have pocket deals that they can bring to you before it gets on the MLS
  3. Contractors – They help you with your rehabbing to complete the project as fast as possible.
  4. Escrow, Title companies or Lawyers – They help you keep your paperwork in order and keep your project deals coming in and out of Escrow.
  5. Marketing team or Marketing Director – They help you get all your marketing material printed and mailed so you can find sellers and buyers.
  6. Operations Manager – This person will help you manage the entire operation of your business and make sure that everybody is in coordination.
  7. Executive Assistant – This person will help you with returning emails, phone calls and keep up with your calendar appointments and running errands.
  8. Virtual Assistant – This person will make outbound calls to get leads from cold calling or scouting the internet for leads and give the information lead to your Acquisition Specialist to follow up on them.

So, these are the some of the key people in your team that you want to focus on and you can probably add a few more.  Don’t get stuck on one contractor.  You got to hire them slow and fire them fast.  That’s what we call it, because you want to stay ahead of work and behind on payments and that’s going to keep you safe.