1. Frankly this has been fantastic, I highly recommend it!

    I bought one of Alton’s properties and was so impressed with the workmanship that I decided to check out his 3 day bootcamp. I’m new to rehabbing but after the three days, I feel I have everything I need to get started. Frankly this has been fantastic, I highly recommend it!

    Steven Betrisey
  2. This has prepared us to go the extra mile and rehab properties without being afraid.

    This has prepared us to go the extra mile and rehab properties without being afraid. Especially with the Rehab 50/50 package that we signed up for where Alton will help us each step of the way.

    Sharon Jackson
  3. If you haven’t heard of Alton Jones and Rehabs2Riches.com, you need to know!

    My head is spinning with knowledge right now. We covered everything soup to nuts. We covered what to look out for and how to handle contractors and speak to sellers. If you haven’t heard of Alton Jones and Rehabs2Riches.com, you need to know!

    Ron Clayton
  4. He wants to set us up for success and he has our back all the way.

    My favorite part is that he has done so many houses, suffered losses, and huge wins and he passes that knowledge on to us. I feel like I can move forward in a confident way. He is so open and energetic. He spells it out step by step what to do to be successful. We love Alton. He wants to set us up for success and he has our back all the way.

    Jennifer Lynn and Dean Lamotte
  5. Alton Jones is the real deal

    “I’ve been searching for years, I am a licensed contractor and a licensed broker and I’ve been wanting to be an investor but I didn’t want to be taken advantage of in the process. With this program, you get the nuts and the bolts. Alton Jones is the real deal. If you really want to get involved in investing. This is the best conference to come to bar none!”

    Ken Collins
  6. He tells you everything

    “Alton gave so much content. This is something you can not miss. He tells you everything, he holds nothing back! I recommend that you come to Alton Jones Rehab to Riches BootCamp”

    Adah Sands
  7. My eyes were completely opened

    “I thought I knew most of what needed to know about rehabbing, I’m glad I came here because I can see now that it’s not the case. my eyes were completely opened and I have evolved as a result of coming out here. If you have the chance to come out to Rehabs to Riches, I definitely recommend it, you will be a changed man or woman.”

    Alex Oliveras